Treat Yo’ Self and Be More Efficient

Last night, I had the opportunity to travel with some peope from my school up to Ogutquit, Maine for a much needed break.  Although it was just an evening trip, it came at a perfect time, at the end of the semester, to help me relax and take a deep breath.

Me, enjoying a much needed break in Ogunquit, ME.

I’ve noticed, since having a few semesters of college under my belt, is that taking time to breathe is so incredibly important.

It is so easy to work, work, work all the time and to forget to take time to ourselves.  You deserve to let yourself have fun and relax because you are doing your best.

Actually, taking a breath and slowing down can actually help your productivity.  I know that I have spent many hours sitting on my phone with my homework up on my computer, not doing it, simply because I’ve been sitting there staring at it for hours on end.  Allowing yourself to relax, in any form, will help you feel more productive in the long run.  Making sure you’re in the right frame of mind to get things done is one of the most important thing you can do, and that comes from taking care of yourself.

Countless times this semester, I have seen people staying up all throughout the night writing papers, studying, or doing other homework that could have easily been done during the day or over the course of the week.  You don’t need to do that.  If you’re smart with how you work, you can get things done so much more efficiently.  This, can help you feel better in the long run.

Even if you are getting stuff done, it’s okay to take a break and come back to it later.  Sometimes, when we get a little stuck, the best thing we can do is walk away and come back later.  How many times have you walked away from something, like a puzzle, and came back to see things that you didn’t see before, and suddenly, it all falls into place.

Take that walk on the beach, read that book, catch up with your friends.  There is no need to work yourself to death by trying to work on something that you aren’t mentally prepared to do.  Get yourself in the right frame of mind, and it will make the world of difference.

I know you can do it.  Remember, you are doing your best.


Yours in blog,


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